
to the HCOS Brand Guidelines


Welcome to the Brand Guidelines of HCOS! Below you can get to know our brand and how it came to be, explore our design systems and all the do’s and don’ts of our assets, as well as find all the resources you might need.


If you are looking get a project started or reviewed by the design team please use the buttons below to submit a form. Once a request is received, a design team member will be assigned to review your request and reach out to you for any questions they may have. If you request a kick-off meeting with a team member then a meeting will be scheduled before the project is started.


Learn about our mission, values, vision and our voice and tone. All the essential pieces that contributed to make HCOS what it is today.








Voice and Tone


Below are all the elements that make up the HCOS brand. If you are needing more assets then what is provided below, please do not hesitate to reach out through the design request form.

Logo Guidelines


Colour Palette


Patterns & Shapes


Find all our resources available through the links provided below. If you don’t see what you are looking for please reach out through the project form to request the asset(s) you are needing.

Logo Files

Form and Resource Links

Divisional Logos



To develop
innovative Christ-centered educational opportunities for learners to explore and embrace God’s unique purpose.


Academic Success

Engaged Lifelong Learners

We aim to inspire every student to become a passionate learner who reaches towards their personal best while continually seeking out opportunities to grow. Our goal is that students leave HCOS having developed the skills and tools to remain discerning lifelong learners.


Authentic Christ Followers

One of the definitions of integrity is the quality or state of being complete or undivided. We believe this wholeness can only be found in Christ. Our desire for our students and, by extension their families, is to walk in the fullness of an authentic relationship with Christ within a supportive community that prays together, challenges each other and shares life together.


Intentional Supportive Community

Responding to the needs of our families, we develop a variety of opportunities for students to connect, to learn together and to build supportive community. Our teachers and staff pray for, encourage and come alongside our students and families as we partner with them in their academic journey.


Personalized Learning Choices

Just as every student is unique, their learning should be as well. We value creating individualized learning plans for every student that are designed to provide a flexible and tailored education, empowering and supporting parents as we partner with them. We strive to create innovative opportunities including individualized home education, any pace online courses, community building face-to-face learning groups, cross-enrolled options and much more.


The vision statements below outline the current and future objectives of HCOS. They are intended as a guide to support future strategic planning, by addressing what we aim to do and hope to become as a school. Each Vision Statement is focused on our relationship to or development of the following areas:

We aim to support and empower parents in their student’s Christ-centered education through frictionless access to our comprehensive network of programs, people and information.


We aim to guide our students on a personalized educational journey with an array of opportunities to know and be known.

Teachers & Support Staff

We aim to inspire, equip and encourage teachers and staff to continually grow and pursue unique opportunities with consistent supportive accountability in a culture of engaged excellence.

Provincial Organizations

We aim to establish ourselves as a well respected, sought after voice in shaping education.

Other Schools

We aim to be a leading collaborative influence to improve the reputation of IDL through mutually supportive relationships rooted in informed perceptions.


We aim to create intuitive, accessible and meaningful curriculum that invokes transformational moments of delight, wonder and curiosity in students.


We aim to intentionally plan and provide thriving, sustainable and well-resourced programs that anticipate and meet the changing needs of our community.


Warm but not cheesy.

Competent but not arrogant.

Flexible but not without boundaries.


If you are looking for a specific file type or size please reach out to the design team

Symbol Mark






Symbol Mark

The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to half the width of the small left leaf.


The spacing around the primary logo is based on the size of the letter H.


The spacing around the secondary logo is equal to the space used between the inside of the border and the letter H.

What Not to Do

If you are ever unsure altering the logo, please reach out to the design team. All of these what not to do’s apply to all versions of the logos.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.
The spacing around the symbol logo is equal to have the width of the small left leaf.


We use Poppins for all our typography. Below you can find samples of heading sizes.


For more information on typography sizing and weights for custom projects please contact the design team.

Please note: As a general rule to follow on 90% of projects, fonts should always be black or white. On our website and other branded items you will notice we do NOT generally display fonts in any of our brand colors or any other colors. We DO use color as a highlight font color, but not as the overall font color. We add color using brand design elements and photos not through text.



Type Scale

Style Name
Font size / Weight
Line Height
Style Name

Font size/Weight

Line Height
Heading One
72 px / Bold
72 px
0 px
Heading Two
56 px / Semi Bold
56 px
0 px
Heading Three
36 px / Medium
36 px
0 px
Heading Four
32 px / Bold
32 px
0 px
Heading Five
24 px / Bold
32 px
0 px
Heading Six
14 px / Bold
14 px
3 px
Body Large
18 px / Bold
18 px
0.9 px
Body Standard
16 px / Bold
16 px
0 px
Body Italic
16 px / Semi-bold Italic
16 px
1 px

Colour Palette

The colours used highlight the warmth of our brands voice and tone.
Please do not incorporate colours not used within our colour palette.

					PMS 7730 C
					PMS 7734 C


					PMS 4685 C


Our goals for the photos used throughout HCOS are that they focus on warm lighting and show children engaging in educational activities. The photos are shot in golden hour and usually contain warm tones and plants which adds continuity to the colour palette of the brand.

To access the photo library of approved images please click the button below. If nothing suits your needs please request a photo asset from the design team.



The use of the pattern needs to be approved by the design team, do not use the pattern without approval. The pattern can easily vary in size and shape which is why approval is essential to ensure correct usage.


The background color will determine which color pattern you use. Patterns can be used as accents or as a prominent design asset. Please contact the design team for a custom laid out pattern for your project! Pattern assets will not be accessible unless requested for a specific project.


Dark Stone Color Block with Dark Stone Pattern

Stone Color Block with Stone Pattern

Gold Color Block with Gold Pattern

Green Color Block with Green Pattern

Rectangler shapes or sharp lines can be a nice esthetic addition. 

The lightest tine of stone is generally used for most background colors, moving away from plain white to help highlight our brands voice and tone of “Warm”.

Blocks of color with transparency over top of images is also used frequently in our brand.

We use rounded corners on call to actions and buttons and sharp corners on esthetic design shapes.